Monday, March 26, 2007


What's worse, new wounds which are so horribly painful or old wounds that should've healed years ago and never did?

Maybe our old wounds teach us something. They remind us where we've been and what we've overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. That's what we like to think. But that's not the way it is, is it?

Some things we just have to learn over and over and over again.

1 comment:

MOS said...

bueh.. 1st of all..
scars are good.. citando cultura profetica: "las cicatrices son mapas que orientan mi vida".. and i couldnt agree more!!
nos acuerdan los estrallones, las caidas y los golpes para no volver a pasar por ellos..
y aunque es cierto que time heals all wounds.. hay algunas que duran mas que otras en cerrarse.. y solo logramos olvidarnos de ellas si realmente queremos.. pero all in due time que todo se puede si se quiere..
yo.. bueh..he optado por estrallarme en la misma pared como 10 veces.. hasta que me harte..ehhe