Sunday, April 20, 2008

Still, they say you don’t kick the habit until you hit rock bottom, but how do you know when you’re there?
Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go
hurts even worse.


MOS said...

And even after you hit rock bottom it might take you a while to get tired of the whole situation and finally decide to do something about it.
Letting go is hard, but you'll manage, it takes time and will, and its something VERY personal. No matter how many times you've heard how bad something is for you, until you want to you will NEVER let it go. When you're ready.. you'll let go..

ddefillo said...

But sometimes it's not exactly when your ready, sometimes you let go because you realize "WTF am I doing!" and deep down you know the situation is wrong, you won't admit it to anyone else, and it's really hard and even sad, but you have to let go, 'cause sometimes you have to love yourself more.