Saturday, September 16, 2006

,every little thing she does is magic!!*.-

God has blessed my life by surrounding it by the most amazing people ever, starting with my family and some other that are just more than friends,sisters [3M].
In this opportunity I wish to thank from the bottom of my heart for this words, a special person in my life one that doesnt need any introduction whatsoever,

I know I shouldn’t have waited this long to tell you this; perhaps write this. That I shouldn’t have waited to this obvious opportunity to show, because every single passing second is a perfect opportunity to tell you all that you mean to me.
I’m sorry that sometimes I’m too lazy to pick up the phone and call you to say hi and check in on you. I’m sorry that I never go out with you anymore. I’m sorry that I bitch at you every time we disagree on an idea; but most of all, I apologize for failing you in any way or possible form.
For me, you are everything that I’m missing and want to have. You push me all the way to the edges because you know that I can do so much better, but that I’m just so vague. You make me believe, have faith, be strong, don’t desist, keep my chin up and my forehead always looking forward, don’t fail to love, don’t give up, not be scared, and make everything feels alright and still believe in fait. I know that when I do something wrong or right, you are going to be there for me. I know that you are going to advice me, but still support me. I know that you are never going to let me hit rock bottom, and that if I fall you are going to be there before anyone else to catch me. I know you are going to try to stop me in most of my decisions, but still agree with me in the alternative I pick.
I know, that nothing else would have brought us together, but that one day we were having lunch almost by mistake and forced. I know that, I would never regret that day. And I know, that I should be so thankful to have not someone like you, but YOU specially in my life, because you are unique and solely you could understand my mind like you were a piece of my own.
We’ve been through everything. Through fights, distance, indecisions and as much as you can try to get. It is impossible that anything could possibly happen to us. If I’m not wrong, we have grown a bit apart lately, but still, I get excited every time we talk, or every time you text me, or any stupid little ting that we might do. I cannot deny I do miss you a lot.
Pero por lo menos se, que por mas años que pasen, por mas lejos que estemos, o mas cerca, que por mas cosas que yo haga o tu hagas, por mas que pueda pensar que te decepcionarías de mi o yo de ti; se que mi MiNnY!! Va a estar ahí. Que me va a decir cuanto me quiere, y que todo va a estar bien, que me va a entender, que me va a dar consejos, que me va a hacer sentir mejor.
Que me va a hacer sentir que todo vuelve a valer la pena.
Te quiero con todo el corazón, y espero que te sientas de la misma manera. Tú te mereces todo lo bueno en esta vida. El amor, el dinero, la felicidad, la salud, el bienestar, carcajadas, amistades, warmth, más todo lo que te complementa… y aun así, es poco para lo que te mereces.

“Existen momentos inolvidables, cosas inexplicables y personas incomparables…”

Recuerda siempre… que lo que importa no son los 6 o 7 años siendo mejores amigas ni conociéndonos desde los 7…no es sobre el tiempo…sino la intensidad con la que la hemos mantenido y la hemos vivido…hemos sabido como examinar cada pequeño pedacito de ella y la hemos aprovechado hasta mas no poder! Espero que sepas, que POR LO MENOS, vales mil y dos vueltas al mundo... ida y vuelta. Pero no es que crea que eres perfecta, pues no lo eres… pero como te quiero he aprendido a como creer verte a la perfección.

“la vida no se mide por las veces que respiras, pero por aquellos momentos que te dejan sin aliento…”

iloviu EmMy,
ill be here for you no matter what, some will come and some will pass, but the ones that mean something, will ALWAYS last.
MinNy :)

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